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It turns out that the world has undergone another drastic change from lack of time or even finding something with quality that fits into the daily routine. Paiva Aviation has been differentiating itself by having another dynamic: the classes have become smaller and adjusted with routine or even class according to individual needs, we also use digital tools in case you need online classes. Thus, Paiva Aviation followed this change and remains in its differentiated version and ahead of the other schools, which aim only at large classes being disconnected from the need and, mainly, from the students' reality.


The big issue is that people don't learn in the same way or at the same pace. Some can only learn by responding to exercises or watching videos. And because there may be students in the same room who have no basis for certain content and others who feel discouraged because they are in a more advanced stage than the rest of the class, we teach the classes according to the student's evolution, being attentive to the details of knowledge transmission and how these contents are being absorbed.

Each student follows an individual study script, which he or she defines together with our instructors and addresses content from various disciplines. Planning is done according to the student's needs and respecting the daily life and availability of each one.


We have a different scale for crew members, because we understand that the diversified and very intense routine needs attention and meticulous planning so that the student can maintain his routine and can take his course normally without being exhausting. In addition to the classes with the quality that only Paiva Aviation has and with the dynamic that is our differential.

Anyway, the 21st century came with many changes in work, in the family environment and even in personal and routine relationships. It is past time for Education to modernize as well and adapt to the needs of the biggest stakeholders: students. That is why, we at Paiva Aviation, are always attentive to the needs of students and adapt to them, because we understand that we are the ones who need to give due and deserved attention to the student and his dream.

Count on us, we will do the best for you!



Whatsapp: +55 21 97941-8117


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